Hillary Clinton and The Death of Feminism

I just heard the craziest thing yesterday. I don’t know why I was surprised to be insulted by the far left. As a white conservative female, I’m pretty much Public Enemy #2 (white males being PE#1). I am also very outspoken about my politics, which basically makes me the Devil to most left-leaning individuals. I think this hilarious considering that my mama was a huge Southern Democrat (see previous post for this discussion). But last night, when I heard that Hillary Clinton had just basically called all college educated white women morons, I realized that the cause that my mom burned her bra for back in the 60’s was as dead as JFK.

“All of a sudden, the husband turns to the wife, ‘I told you, she’s going to be in jail. You don’t wanna waste your vote.’ The boyfriend turns to the girlfriend and says, ‘She’s going to get locked up, don’t you hear? She’s going to get locked up,’” Clinton told Vox’s Ezra Klein. “Instead of saying, ‘I’m taking a chance, I’m going to vote,’ it didn’t work.”

If this isn’t the most insulting statement from a former Presidential candidate that I have ever heard, I will eat my cowboy boot. To imply that women, particularly white college educated women, can not formulate their own opinion on who they want for President isn’t just insulting, it’s demeaning. Thank you Hillary for showing me again exactly why I voted for our President, Mr. Donald J. Trump. To imply that I need a man to tell me how to think is absolutely appalling. So I’m going to run down some decisions for you.

I CHOSE to attend college at the University of Georgia after my high school graduation. I had no male telling me to do this. My father passed away when I was 13 years old and I didn’t have a boyfriend after ninth grade until after I graduated from college. So what evil male influenced me to attend UGA? My uncle wanted me to attend the local college, so it certainly wasn’t him. My male BFFs were Georgia tech fans, so they certainly didn’t influence me. IN FACT, my aunt, my female cousin, and my female BFF were the main three people encouraging me to apply and were my biggest supporters when I got my acceptance letter. So it seems like my choice was influenced by other strong, beautiful women and men be damned.

I CHOSE to be a journalism major at UGA. I signed up for a work study program, where I worked at the Grady School of Journalism in the equipment room. Due to my dedication to journalism, I was CHOSEN by Dr. Patricia Benjamin, a woman and the head of the Peabody Awards at the time, to assist her with the Awards my sophomore year of college. I CHOSE to write for The Red and Black and was CHOSEN to help found UGAToday.com, the very first website to put our school newspaper online. I CHOSE to change my major to theatre after huge disappointments from my journalism classmates and co-writers at the newspaper. I was CHOSEN as Stage Manager of the Year two years in a row because of this choice. I CHOSE a lot of stuff in life, which led to make mistakes, experience triumphs, and learn to deal with disappointment. But never once have I had my choices made for me.

Hillary Clinton is an insult to all women in the United States, no matter if you are black, white, purple, or green. She stood by a lying, cheating husband when any sensible woman who can make up her own mind would have left him, at the very least. (Most men would have experienced some sort of violence at the hands of the wife for the tricks Bill Clinton pulled.) She let him publicly embarrass her while she kept quiet on his scandal with Monica Lewinsky. (REPEAT: ““I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” when in fact he DID.) How does this build my confidence in her as a leader? It doesn’t because it shows precedent for her being a weak woman and I’ll be damned if I let our FIRST female President be a weak woman. We don’t need another Obama disaster.

Hillary continued to insult us women when she became Secretary of State in 2009. The very first insult was that she chose to become Secretary of State to Obama, who had just humiliated her with his smooth talking and false promises during the 2008 election. Why on Earth would you go work for someone who had just talked so nastily about you and your family on the campaign trail? Were her political ambitions that great, that she would work for someone who once said, “Hillary Clinton. She’ll say anything and change nothing“? And why would Obama, who attacked the Clintons again and again while on the primary campaign trail back in 2008, hire someone in whom he did not believe? Maybe that’s because the whole Democratic party is interwoven with this misogynistic glamour. Maybe that’s because women like Hillary, the kind of women who VOTED for Hillary, are actually the ones who need their choices made by the men in their lives.

However, Hillary wasn’t done insulting hardworking women across America. From 2009 until her departure from the State department in 2013, she insulted both our intelligence and our humanity time and time again. The biggest insult that she handed us was Benghazi, essentially murdering four Americans. By telling us that this started with a viral video, Clinton made sure that we didn’t have the correct information to make an educated decision on what actions should have been taken to protect our citizens overseas. She and everyone on her staff lied to the American public in order to hide the truth.

Hiding the truth is something that Hillary Clinton is very good at. Thus we find ourselves missing 33,000 emails containing classified American intelligence. This makes Clinton just another modern Benedict Arnold, on par with the traitorous Chelsea Manning. How anyone running for the highest office in the land could expect intelligent, moral Americans to vote for someone with no traditional American values what so ever is beyond me. Benedict Arnold never ran for President. That’s because Americans HATED Benedict Arnold for trying to turn West Point over to our enemies and then darting over the Canadian border like a coward when his plot was discovered. His name is still synonymous with treachery.

Besides her cowardice, lying, and treachery, Hillary Clinton is an insult to feminists every where. She doesn’t embody female empowerment in any way. How can someone who insults a huge demographic of our population possibly be commended for lifting up the female spirit? She’s at least partially responsible for women who behave like this:

Image result for triggered snowflakes

Image result for crying liberal women Image result for crying liberal women

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Seriously ladies, pull on your big girl panties. You can’t claim to be an enlightened feminist and then get busted looking like this after you lose. You look like delicate weeping flowers. You look like people who need to be told who to vote for, to be guided every day by some man in your life. You do not look strong, you look weak, and your anger does you little good:

Image result for angry liberal women

Image result for angry liberal women

Image result for angry liberal women

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Image result for angry feminist

Please stop! You make all women look stupid and weak!

True feminists don’t give a crap about anything but being equal to men. These so-called “feminists” are much more suitable to their nickname “femnazis”. They care about the spectacle of feminism, not the actual art of it. When you present yourself in this fashion, you are putting the feminist movement back by decades. You do not look strong. You do not look powerful. You appear weak and confused. These women have forgotten that you can be both powerful and strong and still retain your femininity. Be a lady, but be bold. Hold your fellow woman up high and help her to make herself better.

Instead, these “feminazis” continue to insult women in power. Melania Trump, our beautiful first lady, is one their top targets. In the mind of these women, Melania must be stuck in her loveless marriage to this controlling tyrant. The fact that she is a hands on mom to their darling son while juggling arguably the most powerful position of femininity in the United States is just a joke to them. The fact that she speaks 5 languages fluently and is the first immigrant to become First Lady means nothing to these people. A former model from Slovenia, Melania should be a poster child for feminism and how a powerful female can achieve anything she wants, including becoming a legal American citizen and the First Lady. Instead these delicate little flowers insult our First lady and drag her name through the mud. It’s very disheartening.

How do we expect men to see as being as powerful as they are when we do not even see each other that way? As long as feminists continue to detract from the accomplishments of strong Conservative women, we are not united in our cause. In order for feminism to truly work, we have to support each other and hold each others’ accomplishments up. We must continue to progress, to get equal pay for equal work, to be seen as equals to men in all aspects of life. If liberals keep bashing on conservatives, no one will ever progress. We should applaud the Sarah Sanders, the Kellyanne Conways, the Ivanka Trumps, the modern day groundbreakers who manage to not only progress the feminist movement, but keep it classy at the same time.

Hillary Clinton and her liberal snowflake followers may have killed feminism, but us Conservative ladies can restart that fire. We can light the skies up even brighter than before, clearing out the darkness of these “femnazis” and shining the beacon of truth and hope on to a brighter future for women. Even those nasty college educated white women who apparently need their choices made by the men in their lives.

Image result for Melania laughing

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